What do we have for you - our products
monomeric CRP - mCRP
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: GPVI Ligands - Collagen-Related Peptides
Sequence: GCO[GPO]10GCOG-NH2
M.W.: 3293.51
Cross-linked monomeric CRP
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: GPVI Ligands - Collagen-Related Peptides
Sequence: [[GCO[GPO]10GCOG-NH2]3]n
M.W.: N/A
OSCAR Ligands
Class: Reference and Activation Ligands
Sub-class: Osteoclast-Associated Receptor Ligands
Sequence: N/A
M.W.: N/A
Collagen-Related Peptide
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: GPVI Ligands - Collagen-Related Peptides
Sequence: No Cys rest
M.W.: N/A
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: Integrin Ligands
Sequence: GFOGER in [GPP]5 and GPC
M.W.: 3704.21
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: VWF A3-domain Ligands
(also DDR 1 & 2 and SPARC)
Sequence: GPRGQOGVMGFO in [GPP]5 and GPC
M.W.: 4257
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: VWF A3-domain Ligands
Sequence: GPRGQOGVNleGFO in [GPP]5 and GPC
M.W.: 4239.89
Class: Reference Ligands
Sub-class: Control Peptide
Sequence: GPC[GPP]10GPCG-NH2
M.W.: 3044
Class: Collagen Ligands Collection
Sub-class: Collagen II
56 peptides coated on 96-well plates
Class: Collagen Ligands Collection
Sub-class: Collagen III
57 peptides coated on 96-well plates
At present, we are able to supply Collagen II and Collagen III as sets of 56 and 57 peptides,
in triplicate 96-well plates each arranged as in the schematic below.
Plates can be shipped to end-users for use in their own labs to map binding sites within these collagens.
We add one additional plate for optimisation.
The Collagen Ligand Collection comes pre-coated on 96 well plates, in a ready-to-use adhesion assay format,
and can be applied in solid-phase binding assays to map sites where collagen receptors and extracellular
matrix components bind to collagens. Once a binding site is located,
cycles of truncation and substitution allow exact residues involved to be determined,
and corresponding minimal peptides to be synthesised for use
in structural and functional studies.
Download the CLSs' white paper to get more deatils